Install HTC One M9 Home Launcher, Keyboard, Gallery, Music Player Apps and Widgets

The Samsung Galaxy S6 and the HTC One M9, one of the most anticipated smartphones of the year, have finally been unveiled and there has been a showering of stuff from both the devices for the past few weeks. The developers have already started porting the apps and widgets from the new phones for other devices.

Just a few days ago, I shared my port of the HTC One M9’s stock camera app for all Android devices running AOSP, CM or Nexus based ROMs. As I said in my previous post, I had also been working on porting a lot more apps from the M9. Having gone through a lot of hard work, encountering errors and fixing them, I am finally here with something worthwhile. It was really a difficult job but all’s well if end’s well!

I have always been a fan of the Sense UI (I never owned a HTC phone though). Since I wanted to experience the One M9’s apps and widgets on my Nexus 5, the outcome is here. Having flashed the ported apps on your device, you’ll be able to enjoy the HTC One M9’s Sense 7 based BlinkFeed home launcher, weather clock widgets and a number of multimedia apps. Here’s a list of the contents of the flashable Zip:
HTC One M9 Home Launcher
HTC BlinkFeed
HTC Weather
HTC Keyboard
HTC Gallery
HTC Music Player
HTC Video Player
HTC Clock
HTC Voice Recorder
HTC File Manager
HTC Widgets: WiFi, Hotspot, GPS, Screen Timeout, Screen Brightness, Background Data, Auto Rotate.
HTC Camera (get it here)

A rooted Android device with a custom recovery.
KitKat or Lollipop based ROM
Approximately 150 MB free space on system.
How to Install

As I already mentioned above, the HTC One M9’s apps and widgets have been packed in a flashable Zip. It simply means that you must have root and a custom recovery installed on your device to be able to flash it.
Method 1: Flashing via Recovery
Download the ported apps in flashable Zip:
Copy the file to your device.
Reboot into CWM/TWRP/PhilZ Recovery.
Create a backup of your ROM using the Backup option.
Now select the Install option, navigate to and select it.
Confirm installation and wait until it’s flashed.
Finally, reboot your device.
Method 2: Pushing Apps Using Root Browser

In case you don’t have a custom recovery installed on your device, you can try pushing the apps into System> apps & System> priv-apps folders using a root file browser app. Please note that the package contains a lot of proprietary files ( that also need to be pushed into appropriate directories. After copying the files into the System directory you’ll have to fix file permissions to rw-r–r– (0644) for each file and then reboot the device.


2 Respones to "Install HTC One M9 Home Launcher, Keyboard, Gallery, Music Player Apps and Widgets"

Anonymous said...

Install Htc One M9 Home Launcher, Keyboard, Gallery, Music Player Apps And Widgets >>>>> Download Now

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Install Htc One M9 Home Launcher, Keyboard, Gallery, Music Player Apps And Widgets >>>>> Download LINK

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22 March 2022 at 09:53

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